Yadi & Friends ” New Direction
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Exchange Expand
Choppy Vision
Choppy Vision
Titled “Choppy Vision” the aim is slight distortion symbolizing dreams, sometimes a vision within a dream is choppy, slightly off yet the message can be clear after some processing. The modeling clay texture gives this piece life and body by drawing your eyes all around the edges then focusing you back to the main event.
Untitled Mindset
AnthonyRoyster Untitled Mindset
Untitled Mindset
“Her nature”
Not every idea is descriptive and not all thoughts have categories; sometimes they simply exist to inspire the next. These pieces change the quota for conformity in today’s society when it comes to how we should stereotype our reasoning for anything.
A notion, how can the title of work have the name Untitled in it? Answer: That’s how I chose to title the work. At this point I am justifying my own vision and idea toward my own body of work because what is an artist if not free to express how they see fit? This piece is for you to change UNTITLED to what it represents in your home.
Hand Painted Post cards
For my birthday I received a gift card for an art store and stumbled upon 4′ x 6′ DIY post cards. I decide to explore and the day they came to my door was the day I began painting away on these small cards that only required a stamp and directions to the nearest mailbox. Seemed easy to include a very favorite style of mine to each card giving me the freedom to free form and explore my creativity on the way.